2017 was a stupendous year for outing abusers hiding in plain sight. That’s the convenient trope to convince the masses that change is on the way, that corruption hiding in plain sight, à la Savile, will be uncovered, exposed, and dealt with.
But of course that’s tosh because exposure is relative. When collateral damage is required, people need to get thrown under the bus. Our Overlords manage to keep their predilections secret, and maintain sterling public reputations, often by dint of official ‘enquiries’ that find all allegations against them ‘groundless’.
Look now, here comes the groundswell complaining of the awful damage done by historic claims against the great and powerful.
Hiding in plain sight was always going to survive, it’s just that when the going gets tough, the tough need more and better scapegoats.
ANM has had a busy year researching and documenting corruption. We’ve published less this year but the most read articles in 2017 reflect just how many types of ‘hiding in plain sight’ there are all competing to enjoy establishment protection.
The most read article on ANM this year was the “Freedom of Information – Open Letter to Liz Truss / What the FOI” concerning abuse of the principle of open information through creating scapegoats of ‘vexatiousness’. Given the scale of indifference to public safety, including the lack of an Interim Fire Report on the Grenfell disaster, the disappearance of donations, and the lack of promised rehousing, Dransfield has taken to the courts again to seek a private prosecution of oversight failures causing foreseeable harm and demonstrate the lack of agency for ordinary people told not to leave their flats, which had no fire-doors: “To Lincoln – Safety Information Campaigner Launches Private Prosecution of UK Public Authority”.
“Vaxxed – Private Not Secret – Beyond (Un)Willingness to Debate”. The revolting slander clearly audible in this article’s embedded video, in order to shut down free-speech, is now finally under consideration, as fresh evidence, by the Court of Appeal. The interrelated applications also concern the foreseeable injustice arising from forcing an activist family to defend itself from covert stalking and harassment through a defamation trial.
We didn’t have the advantage of this footage at trial of Andy Lewis’ gratuitous open slander of us as dangerous criminals. Fraudulent solicitor Robert Dougans of Bryan Cave, therefore dismissed what he said as not imputating us with criminal activity punishable by a jail sentence. That’s clearly rubbish as you can hear Lewis openly warning that we are a stalking danger to children. This type of slander, as much as all the rest of the malicious communications, libel, stalking etc., is of course illegal.
“A Candle in the Dark – Simon Singh, Free Speech and Human Rights“. Well connected fraudsters like Dougans, and Jonathan Price QC of Doughty Street Chambers, masterfully hide in plain sight under layers of respectability. Respectability allows that slight of hand that tampers with evidence to convince a Court that the word “grooming” can only be applied to children in a context of sexual abuse, thus leaving all children groomed for other purposes entirely without agency under the law.
ANM’s view is that this kind of slimy abuse cover-up needs the most robust of challenges. Price shouted at me in court about my observation of hiding-in-plain-sight tactics that “Savile is one of the most disgusting people ever to walk the world, how can you compare Andy Lewis to him?”
I responded: Why should Savile’s rape of children be allowed to disguise the fact that Lewis’ techniques of hiding his abuse in plain sight matched Savile’s so completely?
But child sexual abuse was made to serve that purpose. The Court decided that of course child sexual abuse must be employed, by blatant and deliberate evidence tampering, to cover up all other evidenced abuse.
The culture of hiding in plain sight is just so damned useful, it’s got the UK by the throat. It practically exemplifies British Society. If that were not true, Savile wouldn’t have been able to operate with impunity for decades.
“Grandiose Medical Connerie – How the GMC Devalues Mental Health“. This well visited article describes yet another example of a professional hiding in plain sight. Dr Richard Byng, of Peninsula Medical School Plymouth uses the public trust placed in him as a doctor to abuse, not just a vulnerable patient, who dubbed him the “Shipman of mental health”, but even people he just meets socially. Protected by connections, he was able to hide in plain sight behind his credentials, in order to protect his wife. Melanie Byng, head of Dance at South Dartmoor Community College, is thus enabled to operate her psychological assault and abuse, including of children, in plain sight, whilst posing as a feminist.
Speaking of fake feminists, the Comment policy of ANM gets a lot of visits – that’s because of the level of anti-feminist trolling we’ve had to record there, largely by women! Fake feminism in the #metoo era, epitomises hiding in plain sight.
On the threshold of 2018, feminism holds this stinking contradiction. Even perpetrators of the kind of vicious anti-feminist trolling featured in the policy can elsewhere manage to hide in plain sight, dishonestly posing as champions of feminism.
Eau D’eminence is the peak of the Good Thinking Range. containing eminence-based opinion, and casual misogyny with trace amounts of skepticism.
ANM ended up the year summing up these games and deceptions with a humorous look at the quackery of “Angel Dusting”, including enough of a prized ingredient to say it’s in there, but not enough to have any measurable effect. British Skeptics are certainly guilty of that, and especially in their prolific use of charitable status to try and shut others down. In fact, skeptics’ quackery posing as anti-quackery basically sums up the hiding in plain sight theme of 2017.
All of this is why ANM predicts a good deal more of the same in 2018, more #metoo feel-goodery covering up vicious acts of hidden aggression in the escalating fight to control social proof.
Fashionable outrage surrounding reputation and accusation will heighten. Those with enough power to hide damaging vices will create more scapegoats to convince we, the plebs, that the right people are getting their comeuppance.
So what to do? Well for one thing, believe your own experience, document it all, and be prepared to act on it and to stand alone. If my grungy experience of injustice hiding in plain sight as ‘justice’ has taught me one thing, it’s that my instincts were and remain spot on, and I’ve seen the disturbing proof of that. Nothing that has happened wasn’t correctly predicted: all of it is anti-democratic, all of it is abuse, and all of it is criminal under the laws we already have, hidden in plain sight.
That doesn’t mean individual skeptics or humanists don’t sometimes speak the truth, manifest humanity, or even practise what they preach, but let’s be honest, that would be bound to occur by accident at some point according to the law of probabilities. Correlation doesn’t equal causation.
Let us not forget this quote by Dr. John Raymond Baker, “to see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance”, or this more famous one by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, “if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”. All of these supposedly “good” humanists and skeptics who are aware of what is going on, yet don’t research the situation themselves and merely believe what they are told against their own mantra of “asking for evidence” are simply fake colluders, and mark the brand with inauthenticity.
Back in 2011 when we first had to document their harassment, most people didn’t take skeptics seriously or even know who they were, and naively assumed they wouldn’t be affected. The assumption that skepticism is about opening things up to evidence has allowed easy mainstream infiltration.
British rationalists’ pre-prepared and networked level of dishonesty gains power by hiding their deceitful controlling agenda in plain sight. A costumed network of Charities advertises open democratic evidential enquiry, attracting increasingly powerful connections. Careful documentation however proves them over and over to be operating a hidden control agenda which includes closing down free speech.
ANM’s advice for 2018 and beyond: Just say NO.
Happy New Year.
2017, 2018, Alan Dransfield, Andy Lewis, Angel Dusting, Bryan Cave, charity, Desmond Tutu, Doughty Street Chambers, featured, feminism, feminist, FOI, fraud, fraudulent, Free speech, GMC, Grendfell Tower, grooming, harasser, harassing, Human Rights, humanist, John Raymond Baker, Jonathan Price, libel, Lincoln, Liz Truss, Melanie Byng, Peninsula Medical School Plymouth, Quackometer, Richard Byng, Robert Dougans, Simon Singh, skeptic, slander, South Dartmoor Community College, stalker, stalking, TERF, vaxxed
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