Feminism thrives on constant challenge. One of mine came late last year when I got trolled by yet another supposed feminist on Twitter.
Did she really mean to troll me? She wasn’t very good at it, believe me I know, because I’ve been trolled by the best.
I felt a great deal of sympathy for this person. Her story indicated she had experienced severe cultic persecution by the Anthroposophists who control Steiner education. Gradually on DM she gave clues about the identity of a man she described as a “particularly dangerous, vengeful, sadistic malignant/toxic narcissist“.
This man was also connected to the Steiner cult, and hence Anthroposophy. He had targeted her through her family, and she thought he may try and hurt me through targeting mine. Who wouldn’t be scared by that?
But when I used the clues she gave me to identify the person, she became angry. She began to subtly denounce me on Twitter using my initials in tweets, to create a kind of forced paranoia.
I obviously defended my need to protect my family using my investigative skills. At this point she publicly announced that she had to unfollow and block me because of what I’d just said to her privately (without saying what it was).
This is classic abuse by manipulation, a very cultic type of fake-news. She behaved publicly as if I had betrayed her in some way, presumably by privately telling her I was personally investigating her for publication. But she never said so publicly, because it wasn’t true: in fact we had both shared personal information during our exchanges.
Fake Feminism = Fake News
Such are the dilemmas of being a participant documentarian. Once she started gabbing publicly it forced me to speak. I therefore published this DM I’d sent – requesting her to cease trolling if that’s what it was.
Once she blocked me, she curiously went off to deny it all to @steinermentary, an account she knows I can access.
Because having your family targeted by a dangerous, vengeful, sadistic malignant/ toxic narcissist isn’t dangerous at all is it!
Targets of cultic manipulation and abuse are rightly suspicious and understandably paranoid. It seems to be a characteristic of highly controlling groups that they organise their own critics to manipulate others’ beliefs, and evidence strongly suggests this.
If you can maintain an illusion of free-speech and transparency, while in fact undermining both, of course you can game democracy by running your own fake set of critics, or demonstrators. Once you’ve created the belief through fake-news, you can also do whatever you want to targets behind the scenes.
Honest praise or grooming behaviour? Only future actions by this person can reveal their true intention…
We at ANM have now documented cult behaviours right into the establishment. We’ve proved that in any cultic environment, there is every likelihood that a person befriending you may actually be grooming you. And we’ve sadly proved that the judiciary will protect this.
So it all works for despotic Governments as much as for spiteful gangs of trolls. And please let’s not pretend that women as a group don’t excel at this type of deception.
Fake-news is at the heart of all abuse. Abuse requires both deception and grooming, and fake-news provides both. Fake-news can foster an illusion of free-speech, transparency and connection, behind which democracy can be destroyed by an army of unhelpful passive bystanders.
In these scenarios all are targets of grooming, not just any particular target of abuse. All the bystanders are also groomed by fake-news. That’s how they’re persuaded to suspend their disbelief to enable the abuse to take place, by coercion and threat if necessary. This is exactly how Savile operated.
And how useful is that now, to all those wishing to employ similar methods to hide other types of abuse in plain sight! The fact that Savile was such a rapacious paedophile, makes other types of grooming harder to see, and consequently easier to practise.
The level of Savile’s sang-froid then becomes seen just as extraordinary as his violent sexual deviance, almost a one-off. How convenient!
This in turn feeds the British love of “over thereism”: corruption and persecution happen in other places/countries where people are less civilised, not at all like us.
But sometimes the mask slips a little.
Doughty Street Chambers recently trumpeted their feminism for International Women’s Day.
As well as correcting street signs to reflect some forgotten influential women in history, their self-promoting festivities included the hashtag #Doughtystwomen. This then trended on Twitter, leading to even more self-congratulation.
Only one canny observer noticed that that hashtag only appeared in 1,150 tweets. How did it manage to trend on Twitter with so few mentions, and with no visible promotion?
#Doughtstwomen practise the kind of feminism that ignores the serious professional misconduct, misogyny and fraud of one of their own barristers. In case 3SA90091 Jonathan Price abused his position to deliberately degrade children’s Human Rights and fabricate a paedophile smear to hide cultic abuse. Price has cashed in on the currency of paedophilia.
The highly establishment women congratulating themselves have in fact been groomed into passive bystanding of abuse, and are now weaponised into active perpetrators of misogynist fake-feminist-news!
The #metoo moment is being loudly celebrated as ‘the end’ of abuse. Suspend your disbelief if you want to, I prefer my feminism rooted in reality and minus the sickly fake-news of redemptive womanhood.
yada yada, as expected a cursory glance shows the cult reverting to itself, back in the abusive after-cult.
Over the years other supposed feminist luminaries such as Caroline Criado-Perez were publicly told not to talk to me by “feminist” trolls and they dutifully obeyed. Caroline did not question that admonishment, or realise she herself was being groomed into abuse. She did not stick up for a “sister” being covertly harassed, while she noisily prosecuted some twats for making open public threats towards her.
Just like the unfortunate ex-cult lady troll who denounced me on Twitter, these anti-feminist episodes leave the same lingering impression of unreality.
If a “vengeful, sadistic malignant/toxic narcissist” is genuinely so dangerous that their identity must be kept secret at all costs, who goes giving clues that they know will lead a potential target straight there and then attack them for following those clues? Surely not someone who’s ever been stalked.
For completion I checked out the state of play with this person and sure enough found them comfortably back in the after-cult fold, talking to a parody account linked to a supposed Steiner critic.
For all the children in the world it’s unbearably sad that women, in the name of “equality”, see no danger or contradiction in falsely portraying ourselves as above the mean, predatory behaviours we’re complaining about in men. All the trolling recorded here, from the personal after-cult level to the equally cultish Savilesque deception stretching far into the establishment, certainly demonstrates a more uneasy feminism.
Surely the challenge is to accept that there is literally nothing, beyond the deliberate creation of false beliefs, that suggests anything redemptive at all about our womanhood per se. Basic logic, and the word “equal”, indicate that no pedestal is required.
Challenge accepted!
#artforevidence, #IWD18, #metoo, Andy Lewis, Anthroposophists, Anthroposophy, Caroline Criado Perez, Doughty Street Chambers, featured, Helena Kennedy QC, International Women's Day 2018, Jonathan Price QC, Melanie Byng, Steiner Education
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