ANM attended the Swansea election rally on Saturday for Labour GE 2019 – “60 seconds with Jeremy” was what we had requested, to ask a couple of pressing unanswered questions.
Jeremy Corbyn’s public speech is posted in its entirety below. The event ticket stated 11:15am for a 12:00pm start. It was slated to last until 2:00 pm and was a packed event, having been humorously billed by local activists as a visit from Santa.
Since the announcement of the 2019 election, among the freebies on offer, we had to wait for any information from Jeremy Corbyn as to whether he will exercise precaution about the biological effects of wireless radiation.
Then on 14th November Labour published a statement:
“The next Labour government will undertake a massive upgrade in the UK’s internet infrastructure, delivering fast, secure, reliable internet connections for everyone and putting an end to patchy and slow coverage. This will boost 5G connectivity across the country.”
Interestingly, when the Manifesto for Labour GE 2019 was launched, seven days later on 21st November. there is no mention whatsoever of 5G in the 105 pages of it. This omission, in view of the statement of the 14th was something we wanted to find out about.
In reality what happened after an initial rousing speech by Geraint Davies, was the introduction of an unadvertised band, The Stray Pursuit. These young lads performed both original numbers and covers with admirable energy. Although the words were hard to hear, at least we already knew some of them. Unfortunately the disabled area had been demarcated just in front of the speakers, and so everyone there got blasted with loud rock music, for what seemed quite a long time.
Actually it was a very long time, nearly an hour, because Jeremy Corbyn didn’t come on until 2:00pm which was the time the event was meant to finish. We’d been sitting there since 11:15am. Having had our brains pulverised for an hour, with no information whatsoever given out to us, the faces of many of the autistic and otherwise disabled and unwell folk by the speakers, were properly ashen.
At least this gave us time to peruse the manifesto and wonder whether the promise of “Breaking down barriers for Disabled People” applies to their ear drums!
To be fair we did hear from a number of Labour speakers before Jeremy finally came on. They all stressed the same “the Tories are monsters” message and who can argue with that?
Welsh Labour Leader and First Minister Mark Drakeford made a particularly emotive and rousing speech. He spoke about what Wales has already delivered, comparing features of Welsh life that England was having to fight for, like the retention of nurses’ bursaries, maintenance grants for students, free prescriptions, and free hospital car-parking,
He did not mention his close links to the 5G roll-out. And why should he when it’s not even in the Manifesto?
After all this, Jeremy eventually turned up, having been delayed in Barry where he’d taken the time to speak with members of the public. He spoke to an adoring if tired crowd, expertly modulating his own obviously tired voice for various maximum effect upon each exhortation to make Labour win, styling that as a wonderful Christmas present for the nation.
The main Christmas delivery, 5G SMART tech and the Internet of Things, weren’t mentioned at all, which was disappointing all round, especially as Geraint Davies has well documented concerns about 5G. Here he is in Hansard from the Parliamentary Debate called for by Antonia Antoniazzi, Labour MP for Gower.
“Is my Hon. Friend aware of the veracity of reports that 5G companies, which have enormous commercial power, have put pressure on the Government to move ahead quickly and are making threats similar to those made about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership? It may be that we have signed up already, and if we pull back on the basis of the precautionary principle and risks to human and wildlife health, the Government will end up being sued by big commercial interests. We should resist that in the interests of the public.” Geraint Davies 25th June 2019
Did anyone say Turkeys voting for Christmas?
Oh but it was all great, people were so happy, and he had been billed as Santa… so it hurts to have to be Scrooge about what wasn’t said, in spite of technically agreeing with most of what was.
ANM – Jeremy Corbyn with Welsh Labour Leader and First Minister Mark Drakeford, Deputy Leader Carolyn Harris, Shadow Secretary of State for Wales Christina Rees and MP for Swansea West Geraint Davies at the Swansea Labour GE2019 rally.
Corbyn’s commitment to speak to local independent media also fell flat for us however: despite his press team telling us he was especially keen to do so, we were then given the wrong access wrist-bands, but even if we hadn’t been, the room reserved for such interviews was up two flights of stairs with no lifts.
Do Labour think there are no disabled journalists?
So we couldn’t ask Jeremy the 60-second questions we’d prepared for Labour GE 2019.
Labour’s Christmas spirit didn’t quite extend to allowing a disabled journalist to ask him why there was no mention about the streets of Paris brought to a standstill by similar Green Revolution policies Jeremy is offering for Christmas, based on the very same Paris agreement.
We didn’t get to be Christmas kill-joys by asking Santa:
“what is the point of having free health care at the point of use, if you are going to intentionally irradiate the whole population with frequency emissions, by deploying untested and provably dangerous technology?”
Perhaps it’s just as well not to burst the Santa bubble. After the savaging of the Tories, why spoil Santa for a pulverised nation, with a simple wish not to have to worry anymore because the country may – hopefully – soon be in safe hands….
Hands co-incidentally prepared to sign documents promoting illegal and untested radiation for you and your children, the environment and all life on earth. For the many, not the few.
Merry Christmas, one and all.
World Mental Health Day 2019 – Body Politic
out-SMART-ing BIG 5G – Future Generations Act
5G, Amazon News Media, ANM, Carolyn Harris, Christina Rees, featured, GE 2019, Geraint Davies, Jeremy Corbyn, Mark Drakefield, Welsh Labour
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