Seventy to eighty amazing individuals congregated outside the LC2 in Swansea on Saturday to protest through the town centre against the new Welsh Covid pass, as well as the drive to inject children with an unlicensed experimental gene therapy.
Disabled journalists ANM tried to join the march but found that we couldn’t manage it. It wasn’t only us, another protester came in from Birchgrove, had trouble finding the throng and then, in trying to catch up, was soaked to the skin by a passing car and had to go home. While we drove around trying to get pictures, which was difficult because we had no idea where it was going, we saw one person attending on a buggy and to them we say wow you are incredible.
“Spirits were high throughout” said one protester “despite torrential rain. There was a great crowd from the Rhondda, they’ve really got it together there!”
And there was also “lots of horn honking when placards were visible to passing traffic”.
Organiser James Harvey of Students Against Tyranny said “I was only expecting 4 or 5 people to turn up, especially because it was raining. But to have nearly 100 people turn up. It was incredible! It made such an impact.”
So what’s that all about and isn’t Wales Covid pass better, fairer, and less dangerous than what is being proposed elsewhere? That’s what Mark Drakeford seems to think:
“It is different from vaccine certification in a number of important ways. You can demonstrate your Covid status in other ways than just vaccination. The Covid Pass confirms vaccination status or that you have had a negative lateral flow test in the last 48 hours.”
Drakeford’s enthusiasm is tempered by the caveat that:
“The cabinet has decided not to make vaccine certification a compulsory measure in this cycle.” (emphasis added)
However he was clear that the infrastructure for changing that is already in existence:
“People who are fully vaccinated in Wales can already download the NHS COVID Pass to securely show and share their vaccine status. It also allows people to show they have had a negative lateral flow test result within the last 48 hours.”
So like Johnson in England saying no to the ‘vaccine passport’ for a few days while announcing teenage jabbing, these are goalposts that can be easily moved. This apparent passport ‘hesitancy’ does not change the principal.
Here is the principal:
If you are willing to discriminate along the lines of who has had an experimental gene therapy injection and who hasn’t, then you are demonstrating your preparedness to discriminate against unknown people on any specious grounds whatsoever.
Not being vaccinated does not mean you are infected with anything, just like being vaccinated does not mean you aren’t. But in this crazy world, logic is increasingly weaponised in service of the agenda and to drive division.
If you’ve been concentrating you’ll know that young people pose no real threat to themselves or others and even if you haven’t, you may hopefully still be shocked to learn exactly why it’s so important to jab such a group with a substance that is harming so many young previously healthy people worldwide.
At the Covid Commission on 21st September 2021 on the vaccination of children, Miriam Cates MP quoted the JCVI as saying that:
“the committee is of the view that any impact on transmission may be relatively small, given the lower effectiveness of the vaccine against infection with the Delta variant.”
Cates went on
“However, instead of accepting the JCVI’s assessment and waiting for more evidence to emerge, the Government asked the chief medical officer urgently to review the decision based on the wider benefits to children, including from education. Last week, the CMO announced that he would recommend child vaccinations on the basis of these wider benefits.
“That decision is a marked departure from the principle of vaccinating people for their own medical benefit, because those wider issues—educational disruption and concerns around mental health—are the consequences of policy decisions and are not scientific inevitabilities. Children in the UK have already missed more education than children in almost any other country in Europe, despite comparable death rates. Since January 2020, British children have lost on average 44% of school days to lockdown and isolation. That is not a consequence of covid infections in children, but rather a result of policy decisions to close schools and isolate healthy children.”
ANM agrees, Cates went on to break down the numbers…
“According to the Government’s modelling, vaccinating children could save 41 days of schooling per 1,000 children between October and March. That equates to an average of just 15 minutes of education saved per child over this period—surely an insignificant amount, and negligible when we account for the time it takes to vaccinate and the subsequent days off school to recover from potential side effects. There is a much simpler way to stop harmful educational disruption, and that is to follow the advice of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and end the mass testing of asymptomatic children. This unevidenced and unethical policy is costing tens of millions of pounds a week—I would be grateful if the Minister could confirm the exact cost—and is continuing to disrupt education. Even the CMO acknowledges that a vaccination programme alone will not stop school closures. Perhaps the Minister could clarify how the Government intend to end educational disruption.
“On the potential mental health benefits from reducing the fear of covid, it is not covid infection that is making children fearful; it is the uncertainty, frustration, loneliness and anxiety that they experience as a result of lockdowns and harmful messages such as, “Don’t kill granny.” Children need not fear catching covid, but they have every right to fear policy decisions that cause them significant harm, and sadly we cannot vaccinate against those.”
She later emphasised that “the way that the decision to vaccinate healthy 12 to 15-year-olds has been made should give us pause for thought. For no other cohort have the Government questioned the JCVI’s advice. Why have we departed from this stance when it comes to children and looked for reasons other than direct medical benefit to press ahead? When there are concerns about the future health of our children, why have we not waited for more evidence to emerge? I fear that this situation, rather than being an isolated incident, epitomises a worrying attitude to children that has been evident since the start of the pandemic.”
SYDNEY, 27 SEPTEMBER 2021 Decision by Fair Work Commission in the Appeal against decision [2021] FWC 1818 of Commissioner McKenna at Sydney on 29 April 2021 in matter number U2020/9867.
While the administrations continue to charge and discharge their punitive ‘measures’, ANM would like to share this judgement that’s just been handed down in an Australian court pertaining to the legality of vaccination mandates.
Vice President Hatcher and Commissioner Riordan of the Fair Work Commission made the following points among many other interesting comments:
At Para 181 “Blanket rules, such as mandating vaccinations for everyone across a whole profession or industry regardless of the actual risk, fail the tests of proportionality, necessity and reasonableness. It is more than the absolute minimum necessary to combat the crisis and cannot be justified on health grounds. It is a lazy and fundamentally flawed approach to risk management and should be soundly rejected by courts when challenged.”
At Para 183 “Australians should also vigorously oppose the ongoing censorship of any views that question the current policies regarding COVID. Science is no longer science if it a person is not allowed to question it.”
Meanwhile, the If you are an ‘overthere-ist” i.e. one of those people that say things like “it couldn’t happen here because we’re not that kind of a country”, please pull your head out of the sand. Do you really believe Australians thought it could happen there?
ANM urges everybody to stand with Australia and hold the line with every front. They’ll be debating Wales Covid Pass in Cardiff on Tuesday 5th. Useful links to make your voices heard will be posted below.
Finally, we know it rains a lot in Swampy and will probably rain on the next protest and the next, but it’s certainly not because of the rain that we are strongly urging our local community and the world to “think… before you sink”.
Useful resources: we have just ONE DAY:
Write to our Members of Senned (MS) and tell them
Our Senedd Constituency member for Swansea West is:
Julie James
Our Senedd Constituency member for Neath is:
Jeremy Miles
There are also four “Regional” members for South Wales West
Luke Fletcher
Tom Giffard Tom.Giffard@Senedd.Wales
Altaf Hussein
Sioned Williams Sioned.A.Williams@Senedd.Wales
OR use the template at this link:
Ending 11th October
Proposal for mandatory COVID certification in a Plan B scenario: UK Government call for evidence:
Great article showing the stoicism of the people who are educated about the present situation. Good to see that the ” fair work” report was included, as MSM has ignored the findings.
It’s increasingly difficult to find fair journalism, so, thank you!