The Wales Covid Pass goes live today, just a week since the Senedd came up short again, adopting the measures without even being able to get a proper vote when Gareth Davies Member of Senedd (MS) couldn’t get onto zoom, or on the phone, leading to a 28 to 27 win for discrimination and pseudo-science. In the seven days since then, there has been no attempt to remedy, or even to properly explain these shameful events.
The obvious failure of the Senedd not to openly merge state and corporation into fascism, allowing the motion to be carried by this one “lost” vote due to an apparent technical hitch, is in itself criminal and treasonous when we are, by all robust scientific findings, putting the lives of the people and the children of Wales at risk. Pretty important to our elected representatives you would think.
But no, we were subject throughout to unfolding cardboard complications, the necessity for only half the Members of Senedd to be physically present in the first place, the zoom failure, the hasty nostalgic nod to democracy in the gesture of the offered phone call by the Llywydd (Speaker) Elin Jones and her fevered ‘no no no no’, when Darren Millar MS tried to delay proceedings to allow more time for it.
Then we were treated to the feeble excuse given by Davies of basically “I was on another line”, the political equivalent of publicly pissing on the faces of everyone who voted for him, as well as the rest of the country, the absolute lack of any will by anyone involved to get to the bottom of the matter, Davies later public “let’s move on” comment, Drakeford’s apologism for the democratic vacuum and his excited chatter about the future of blended corporation and state, complete with squeaks and flaccid miming.
After all that blatant puppetry and rubbish, the tantalising miss of a saving vote on the Wales Covid Pass turns out to be just a cheap bitchy snub facilitating another of Mr Drakeford’s trademark empty exclamations as we “accidentally trip” into “papers please”.
ANM asked Gareth Davies for a comment but as yet he has not responded. We’d like to ask, for example why Mr Davies accidentally missed vote isn’t even represented in the Senedd record as an official abstention, and why his empty promise to protect the people, like democracy in Wales, has disappeared in the acrid smoke puffs of a cheap theatrical trick.
The script is tired, the plot is predictable and the acting is atrocious. It would be kinder to boo them off, because the lack of human dignity is painfully waring.
Even before Tuesday Julie James’ template reply to those who had expressed concern about the coming vote mowed through simple facts to repeat government propaganda about the experimental gene therapy, as if the jab means you can’t get or transmit illness, and as if people who haven’t been jabbed are all ‘sick’.
Julie’s reply prior to the vote also attempted to bond over how benign the Wales Covid Pass would be ‘if passed’ compared to any ‘blanket’ scheme based on just totally locking recovered and other non-jabbed people out of society.
“I understand your concerns about the imposition of a blanket COVID vaccine certification scheme, but I hope my response helps to ease those concerns.
“As you know, the Senedd will be considering regulations on today which, if passed will require people to show an NHS COVID pass to enter large events and high-risk establishments, such as nightclubs, from 11 October.”
At least she maintained a conditional tone of voice, “if passed”, while protestor Chris from Bridgend received a more certain reply from his local member Sarah Murphy MS before the vote that announced the new measures “will only be applied for certain events and venues.”
We even received an email from someone keen to correct their misunderstanding after Julie James had put them back in their place for referring to it as a ‘vaccine passport’ which shows how useful this ‘benign’ propaganda is while also allowing the quintessentionally Wales-y bitch that ‘it’s not a covid pass, so you can’t say it is’.
What about our human rights, the people are asking? It seems as though nobody cares about those at all.
Well many of our elected representatives may not care about Human Rights, but they sure do like to talk about them. At the Eileen Illtyd Memorial Lecture on Human Rights 2018 at Swansea University, Jeremy Miles MS, spoke as Counsel General for Wales in his talk “A Human Rights Act for Wales?” This has also been a pet project of Julie James MS who attended that event.
In his speech Jeremy quoted Eleanor Roosevelt, on the tenth anniversary of the Universal Declaration
“Where do human rights begin…?” she asked. “They begin in small places, close to home…they are the world of the individual person: the neighbourhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm, or office where he works. Such are the places where every man, woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere.”
To hammer the point, he also referred to Former US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s observation that
“rights have to be more than what is simply written down on a piece of paper – what the framers of the US Constitution would have described as merely a ‘parchment guarantee’.”
Of course the context of all this rhetoric was the threat to the Human Rights Framework in the UK after Brexit. But we didn’t have to worry about this in Wales because we had already devolved from the UK, and this experience had apparently imbued Welsh Human Rights with superhuman powers.
“The Welsh Government has been clear that in leaving the EU we will insist that protections and standards which benefit our citizens and the well-being of society are not eroded.”
Will you indeed! But Jeremy went much further.
“From the start”, he said “devolution was built on the foundation of human rights. Fundamental both to the powers of the Assembly (and what became the Welsh Government) was a principle that they have no power, no competence, to act incompatibly with the rights set out in the European Convention of Human Rights, as defined in the Human Rights Act.” (Emphasis added)
Wow. But even that was not enough.
“It is embedded, you could say, in the very DNA of devolution itself”, He announced.
What an interesting concept, and what a developed sense of irony has our Jeremy.
After that I’m afraid Jeremy became a bit of an irony machine…..
“In Wales perhaps we can overcome, or at least lead the response to the challenge of how to foster and to protect individual rights and at the same time increase the strength of the bonds between different groups in our community.”
“we should be under no illusion”, he orated “that human rights protections are under attack. Sometimes subtly. And sometimes, the wolf comes as a wolf.”
Like last Tuesday for example.
Perhaps one more subtle way the wolf has arrived recently is through the convenient fiction of ‘informed consent’.
The simple and obvious truth here is you cannot give informed consent to something that has not been fully tested, and more especially, on something that has not been tested on your cohort at all.
You cannot give informed consent to something that is still under clinical trial by definition, because the information with which to allow you to make that informed consent hasn’t been gained yet, which is why the trial is taking place.
If there were such a thing as informed consent in context of now known trial limitations it would involve being shown the extent and limit of testing, questions hanging over the trial, including conflicts of interest, detailed knowledge of any deaths that had occurred previously attributable to the treatment, and of what had been found on autopsy of same, evidence of continued efforts to find treatments to avoid having to take such risks. We know that none of this has been done.
In the UK Gov official consent form which seeks to elicit “Gillick Competence” and bypass parental protection, it says that after the jab you may have a sore arm and that is known as a ‘side effect’, then after a vague reference to more serious side effects and where to report them, with no examples whatsoever, there is a space for a child to sign.
There is no informed consent and cannot be.
Human Rights in Wales are nothing but the dreaded parchment guarantee, a promise of upholding rights which turns out in fact to be… voting to curtail the rights of some individuals. That much is painfully obvious and all the MSs must know it if we do.
But the Members of Senedd must also know the Covid Pass itself is also a parchment guarantee, as Julie James made clear to me in her reply to my entreaty not to vote for it.
“The COVID Pass is different to vaccine certification in a number of important ways,” she wrote.
“It allows people to demonstrate their Covid status in other ways than just through vaccination. It also shows recent lateral flow test results.”
This statement is a simple semantic trick which conflates ‘covid status’ and ‘vaccination status’ to make two different things look the same.
In fact it’s perfectly obvious to anyone with half a brain cell that the COVID Pass cannot by definition demonstrate anything about a jabbed person’s actual covid status because it is precisely the requirement to assess that status that has been removed by the introduction of the pass. Tada!
The demands of the Covid Pass are directly discriminatory per se. They take two people of equal potential status in terms of disease and deliberately place the requirement on only one of them to prove their ‘disease status’ based on the fact that the other one has taken an experimental genetic treatment, which has no material effect on their ability to catch and spread anything at all.
Clearly the ONLY people whose actual “covid status” could possibly be said to be demonstrated by the pass is the un-jabbed who have to prove they aren’t infectious in order to get it, and any jabbed person who does the same.
Julie’s awareness of the deceit is evident as she gushes on:
“The aim of the COVID Pass is not to make it harder for people to access these venues and events but to give people the confidence to attend them, knowing everyone else attending them will either have had a very recent negative test result or has been fully-vaccinated (or both).” (Emphasis added)
Hmm yes it seems Julie is in fact well aware that only a test could possibly even potentially assess “Covid Status” (however fraudulent that might be on its own behalf).
This use of so-called vaccination to allow people not to have to prove their covid status, is therefore a kind of licence, and unfortunately in the world on Covid it is a licence to be infectious around others with no safeguards.
The Wales Covid Pass therefore, serving no practical purpose in terms of the very thing it claims to be, i.e. proof of ‘covid status’, in all its parchment fakery, can only be seen as an inducement.
It’s an inducement to accept the fusion of corporation and state, through mis-using words like ‘vaccine’, ‘informed consent’ and ‘covid status’. It’s an inducement to folk to show a pass that excludes your fellows, in order to join and please the corporation-state.
If it isn’t treasonous to insert these false instruments of inducement to comply with corporations operating behind the state, then nothing is treasonous. The most powerful can simply do what they want wherever they want, not only on the world stage, but also in the “world of the individual person”.
By these actions the discriminating arm of the corpo-state can then reach its grasping fingers into the small places…. all those personal places…. “close to home”.
Places like the doctor patient relationship, where the insertion of inducements coerces doctors towards abandoning their oaths to serve patients, and towards become instead statist order-followers, ruining their own good name and their family legacy forever.
Last Tuesday’s disgraceful events, and real threats to liberty, didn’t come from the protestors outside, as portrayed by some of the cowering elected and their media dog whistlers. The events and the disgrace came from the cowardly abrogation of those elected to ‘represent’ us, and today their disgrace bears its rotten fruit.
“If the vote had been 28-27 against the Two Tier society system would the Senedd have resorted to the Irish system of ‘keep voting til you get the result you want’?” said Chris from Bridgend, “It’s a race to the bottom and Wales is now head of the UK losers.”
“I simply can’t believe what we’re living through” said another protestor from Port Talbot.
And on the subject of the so-called vaccines themselves, “They don’t work and they’re not safe” said another.
Dr Peter McCullogh speaking at the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons on 2nd October 2021.
Except that last quote is from protestor Dr Peter McCullogh at the recent symposium of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons on 2nd October 2021.
We urge all doctors, and all in authority to be brave and watch this shocking and galvanising presentation from Dr McCullogh to help you remember the reasons you went into medicine or any other service role in the first place.
And when you’ve marvelled at how he has been hunted for treating patients, check out Public Health England’s “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 38“ which states:
“Ongoing monitoring of the vaccines as they are rolled out in the population is important to continually ensure that clinical and public health guidance on the vaccination programme is built upon the best available evidence.”
the report goes on to explain
“Vaccine effectiveness is estimated by comparing rates of disease in vaccinated individuals to rates in unvaccinated individuals.”
But scroll on to page 27 and find this amazing nugget:
“The no-vaccination scenario assumes that no other interventions are implemented to reduce incidence and mortality. Therefore, the findings presented here should be interpreted as the impact of the vaccination programme on infection and mortality assuming no additional non-pharmaceutical interventions were implemented. In practice, it is impossible to predict what interventions would have been implemented in the absence of vaccination, although it is reasonable to assume that lockdown measures would have remained in place for substantially longer and that new lockdown measures would have been put into place to reduce the pandemic’s impact. Similarly, it is likely that people’s behaviour would have changed in response to the rising cases and deaths.
Consequently, over time the state of the actual pandemic and the no-vaccination pandemic will become increasingly less comparable. For example, recent results from the no-vaccination scenario show that the pandemic in the absence of vaccination and additional interventions would have peaked due to natural immunity.”
As well as contacting Mr Davies, ANM wrote to the Wales Observatory on Human Rights of Children and Young People, based at Swansea University, which claims to advocate for Human Rights, but like Mr Davies, they have failed to reply.
If anything manages to blast a lardy cake sized hole in the limp and leaky saccharin doily tissue of Human Rights in Wales, it will be the robust refusal of every inducement and threat by brave people like Dr McCullogh in the States who demands action, “If we will not be bold, who will?”, the journalists who report them, and every working and living person who refuses to comply.
It will be thousands and millions of voices raised together to demand that the coercive pseudo-science of the money men be thrown from every building, square, hill and dale, where people seek to live in peace.
Dr McCullogh says many of his colleagues “can’t look me in the eye”. Why? It’s guilt he says, at what they know they’ve done.
If you are in a position of responsibility but don’t recognise human beings anymore and cannot be moved through fellowship to offer them dignity and freedom, then you probably wouldn’t be able to look into his eyes either.
In which case you’ve got no damn business looking into any of ours.
Amazon News Media, Darren Millar MS, Dr Peter McCullogh, Elin Jones, Gareth Davies MS, Jeremy Miles MS, Julie James MS, Llywydd, Mark Drakeford MS, Senedd, Wales Covid Pass
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