There was a bigger demonstration against the Wales Covid Pass on Tuesday, with even a band set up on the steps of the Senedd.
The assembly was in good voice, and by ‘assembly’ we mean those protesting outside, while the dangerous pseudo-scientific buffoons inside used their weedy reeds to extend fascism over Wales, into theatres, cinemas and ‘hospitality’, defying logic, science, and any moral compass.
ANM spoke to numerous people among the large crowd against the Wales Covid Pass, and was struck by how many were there who have only recently realised the extent of fraud, or are already being targeted within communities for being “different”, and are seeking like-minded others. This was the crowd that readily responded when urged to move closer to the building and make noise.
Obviously dissenting voices need to be heard, but one autistic protestor commented that the constant use of sirens – even over those speaking, was painful for them and they couldn’t stay. It’s not the first time we’ve highlighted this as an access issue, but it’s also an own goal, as we don’t want to put off any neuro-diverse protestors, especially when we haven’t quite got enough people yet to fully surround the building.
It is always important to remember context as we look at the local background to events. So before continuing here it’s worth revisiting PHE’s week 38 report page 27, and featured in our article Wales Covid Pass: An inducement and a Parchment Guarantee.
“recent results from the no-vaccination scenario show that the pandemic in the absence of vaccination and additional interventions would have peaked due to natural immunity.”
That is an admission that we would have seen the back of it, had we not gone down this disgusting road. That it is not and was never needed. It is an admission that every single adverse reaction to the jab could have been avoided and that no children needed to be put at risk.
This is the context in which we pay the salaries of people who have no understanding of logic, let alone science, and who wouldn’t know a human right if they fell over it.
Thanks to them, we now have a pseudo-scientific ‘papers please’ with built in mission-creep, based on the lie that vaccination status and ‘covid status’ are the same, for something which according to PHE England, would have ‘peaked’ and died out had we not fiddled with it.
Today Lady Hale addressed the Observatory on the Human Rights of Children at the Hilary Rodham Clinton School of Law
So what kind of background events in this context could explain how can things be so topsy turvy and upside down?
One element that keeps cropping up as a convenient public foil for despicable acts, is this notion of “Human Rights” which seems to be mentioned more and more the worse things get. Last time we featured Jeremy Miles MS’s 2018 talk “A Human Rights Act for Wales?”, this time it’s Swansea Council’s competitive bid to become Wales’ first “Human Rights City”, at the exact same time as enabling rank discrimination based on merger of corporation and state.
A small pre-focus disability meeting addressed the deplorable and inequitable fact that Swansea is almost alone in the whole of the UK in charging disabled people to park.
It was also pointed out that we can’t really have a human rights city with a covid pass. The answer was “we don’t want to get political about it”.
To emphasise just how apolitical the whole thing is, much was made of the involvement of the Wales Observatory on the Human Rights of Children, and Swansea University Professor Simon Hoffman’s role on the steering committee of this initiative.
It is not a small initiative; the list of organisations on the Public Service Board that are signed up is quite long, and includes two universities where known and very basic access issues exist and remain undealt with.
But the lack of equal access and the fraudulent charging for it almost pale into insignificance at the realisation that all these ‘public service’ bodies are now implicated in the insultingly over-simplified cartoon world of the Swansea Local Wellbeing Plan with accompanying survey.
Since it’s such an exciting ‘first’ one might wonder why Prof Hoffman’s role on the Steering group isn’t declared on the list of current projects of the Observatory on the Human Rights of Children; itself loudly under the umbrella of the Hilary Rodham Clinton school of Law at Swansea University. Transparency isn’t strongly projected however, as the Observatory didn’t answer questions about the introduction of the pass in the first place.
Neither have they been prepared to engage with local groups about the huge added load of EMF piled onto the children of Wales by 5G. Just like elected Council officials, the Observatory weakly parroted the same erroneous statements by PHE that ICNIRP guidelines were ‘safe’.
In that instance as in the current one, no officials, nor Human Rights proponents have done their due diligence in the city, and when the jig is finally up these omissions of duty are destined to come to the fore.
But for now Swansea wants to be the first Human Rights City in Wales, and the impression to be got while listening, is that it’s going to happen whatever we say about it. But don’t worry because:
“we can’t do this alone. We’ll continue to work with our partners and listen to people in our communities. As we move forward we’ll check this plan is working and improving well-being. If it isn’t, we can make any changes we need.”
Good, ok well how about looking up fascism, what it is and how it works, from the monstrous people who did it best, and then having a long hard look in the mirror?
Meanwhile ‘firsts’ in the real world include many in the crowd outside the Senedd, which continues to grow in proportion to the rubbish going on inside, because in reality “inalienable” rights are being brutally ripped away by corporations acting with state machinery, including public service bodies, to coerce and extort.
Neither will the mass of first timers now swelling the crowd be bought off by vacuous promises, or fine slogans. The people turning up now, aren’t remotely hard-core protestors, lots of them were ‘fully into the narrative’ till quite recently.
They didn’t come when it was ‘conspiracy theory’, maybe they didn’t even come straight to protest when doubt started creeping in, due to the clownish brain-washing and the gaslighting of a corrupt and implicated press.
The reason these people are here now, in ever increasing numbers, has nothing to do with concepts, slogans or identity politics.
They are here because they’ve seen the damage done.
Amazon News Media, ANM, featured, Hilary Rodham Clinton School of Law, Lady Hale, PHE England, Senedd, Swansea Council, Swansea Human Right City, Swansea University, Wales Observatory on the Human Rights of Children
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