ANM would like to pay our respects to the late Wendy Fitzgerald who we first met when she spoke in the council chamber against the unfettered nuisance of 5G technology littering our towns, cities and countryside, which continues apace.
Able News Media, ANM, Councillor Wendy Fitzgerald, ICNIRP, Phil Holmes Head of Planning and City Regeneration, Swansea 5G Living Lab, Swansea Council
There was a bigger demonstration against the Wales Covid Pass on Tuesday with even a band set up on the steps of the Senedd. ANM spoke to numerous people among the large crowd and was struck by how many were there who have only recently realised the extent of fraud or are already being targeted within communities for being “different” and are seeking like-minded others
Amazon News Media, ANM, featured, Hilary Rodham Clinton School of Law, Lady Hale, PHE England, Senedd, Swansea Council, Swansea Human Right City, Swansea University, Wales Observatory on the Human Rights of Children
The self proclaimed “World’s Only Touring Jam” has been travelling across the UK since the 30th of July, going from city to city, and we caught up with them as they performed in Swansea’s Castle Square on Wednesday. Their aim is to promote freedom, mental health and medical choice, by encouraging people to gather […]
Amazon News Media, ANM, Castle Square, featured, Festival, Jam for Freedom, Music, Swansea, Tour
ANM attended the Swansea election rally on Saturday for Labour GE 2019 – “60 seconds with Jeremy” was what we had asked for to ask a couple of pressing unanswered questions to Jeremy Corbyn as to whether he will exercise precaution about the biological effects of frequency emissions from 5G wireless radiation.
5G, Amazon News Media, ANM, Carolyn Harris, Christina Rees, featured, GE 2019, Geraint Davies, Jeremy Corbyn, Mark Drakefield, Welsh Labour
World Mental Health Day 2019 is here and this year’s theme is suicide prevention. meanwhile the mental health Foundation’s Mental Health Awareness week in May had the theme of “body image”. Let’s put this together and examine the connections.
Amazon News Media, ANM, City and County of Swansea, Councillor Thomas, European Union, featured, Good Childhood Report, Jenny Fry, Precautionary Principle, Simon Duffy, The Children's Society, The Independent, Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, World Mental Health Day, World Mental Health Day 2019
Athony Gormley at the Royal Academy was packed when ANM visited on Friday. But takings have got to cover, not just the visible, but the years’ long preparation for the massive scale exhibits.The structural work has been accomplished bit by bit, over the preceding two years, fitting the work in between other exhibitions at the gallery.
Amazon News Media, ANM, Antony Gormley, featured, Royal Academy
Well over 500 people comprising children, Unions, and environmental and community groups, met in Castle Square Swansea on Friday for Youth Strike for Climate, beginning a week of global climate strike action. In the run up to the event, there was some tension between groups as the organisers tried to define their own event, risking […]
@Amazonnewsmedia, Amazon News Media, ANM, Extinction Rebellion, featured, Gareth Bromhall, Global Youth Strike for Climate, Maddy Adams, Peter Anderson, School Strike for Climate, Social Workers Party, Swansea Council, Swansea Pension Committee, Swansea Trades Council, Swansea Young Socialists
Education, Environment, Politics
15th April marks the beginning of two weeks of International Climate Emergency Activism. A large and fast-growing number of people are now prepared to take part in climate activism, to go on school strikes, to directly confront authority that isn’t on message. Cities and Towns across the UK have been making the demand […]
Amazon News Media, ANM, City and County of Swansea, Climate change, Climate Emergency, Extinction Rebellion, featured, International Rebellion, IPCC Report, Swansea Council, XR Swansea
A sizeable crowd turned out in the rain today to attend Global School Strike – Swansea, supporting a global day of action following the example of Swedish student Greta Thunberg. .
Amazon News Media, ANM, featured, Global School Strike - Swansea, Greta Thunberg, IPCC, Rob Stewart, Swansea Council
Comment, News, Politics
The Information Commissioner’s Office – Information Theatre
28 Feb , 2021
In 2020 The Information Commissioner’s Office litigated over principles of freedome of infomation that are already enshirned in the FOIA. ANM asks: Why was that`?
11KBW, Alan Dransfield, Amazon News Media, ANM, Doughty Street Chambers, Elizabeth Denham, featured, Harini Iyengar, ICO, Information Commissioner's Office, Judge Moira MacMillan, Judge Nicholas Wikely