ANM would like to pay our respects to the late Wendy Fitzgerald who we first met when she spoke in the council chamber against the unfettered nuisance of 5G technology littering our towns, cities and countryside, which continues apace.
Able News Media, ANM, Councillor Wendy Fitzgerald, ICNIRP, Phil Holmes Head of Planning and City Regeneration, Swansea 5G Living Lab, Swansea Council
A short video made after the Radiation Health 2019 International Conference. The science may be complex, the message is simple: Ignore ICNIRP.
Amazon Films, Amazon News Media, Brian Stein, Dr Andrea Vornoli, Dr Devra Davis, Dr Dimitris J Panagopoulos, Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe, Dr Peter Ohnsorge, Dr Ron Melnick, EM Radiation Research, featured, ICNIRP, Prof Lennart Hardell, Prof Martin Pall, Radiation Research 2019 International Conference, WHO
Swansea Council’s Climate Emergency declaration meeting on Thursday evening was well attended. The Chair referred to it as the ‘best meeting’ in a long time. The Climate Emergency was duly declared unanimously following a motion brought by Councillors Mary Sherwood and Peter Jones after Extinction Rebellion’s April event. Among those in the public gallery were […]
Antonia Antoniazzi, Climate Emergency, Clive Lloyd, Extinction Rebellion, featured, Friends of the Earth, Geraint Davies, ICNIRP, Swansea Council